Our Team

Christina Layh
Christina Layh was the owner/operator of an elective ultrasound studio for 4 years before she took a break to care for her very young children. She has three beautiful boys and an amazing husband, Jason. She is the lead member of their real estate team, Bear Creek Realty Group at Phyllis Browning Company and co-owner of the local Baskin Robbins on Walnut. Christina is bubbly and outgoing, she brings love and light into any space she enters. She lives and works in New Braunfels and believes in the power of female connections on our journey to motherhood.

Kaitlyn Barnett
Kaitlyn(Katie) Barnett is a new mama who has experience conducting elective ultrasounds for the last three years. She is a natural empath, quiet spirit with an uncanny sense of humor and timing. Katie is creative and an eternal optimist, choosing to find the bright side of any situation. She can read a room and understand if a family needs quiet space or prefers a more boisterous celebration. She is a first time business owner and gives us encouragement for the future of women owned businesses in New Braunfels.
Jill Woolridge
Jill Woolridge is the mother of Katie (notice the resemblance). Jill is currently studying for her Master’s degree as a licensed counselor and plans to pour her talents into our community. She has a passion for mental health. She has been a registered foster parent and has always provided a safe space and welcoming home for all the misfit kids. She radiates positivity and always considers the needs of others. She is a mama bear at her core and a true expression of what we hope Moon River will embody in our community.